Starting today, you will be able to work on your Bitbucket repositories directly in Codeanywhere. We know that many of you use Bitbucket on a daily basis, and that is why we are partnering with them to help you do more, work faster and from anywhere.
Bitbucket & Codeanywhere
With over 2,500,000 users, Bitbucket is one of the most popular web-based Git and Mercurial repository hosting services in the world, used by very prominent companies like Tesla, Paypal and The New York Times, just to name a few. Even we (Codeanywhere), as a company, use a number of Atlassian’s products internally: Jira, HipChat and, of course, Bitbucket.
So it was with great honor that we unanimously decided to say yes when asked if we would like to integrate Codeanywhere into Bitbucket. The IDEs that have been chosen to be integrated with Bitbucket have met Atlassian's standards of quality and security and are full-fledged development environments with desktop-quality coding experiences.
How Does It Work?

Bitbucket’s repository view page will now contain an additional option in the “develop” menu: “Edit in Codeanywhere”.

Code Anywhere
Once you have got the repo in Codeanywhere, you can work on it from anywhere. As our name, Codeanywhere, states, you will be able to edit your files, or run your projects from the browser, tablet or mobile device. Never let your location keep you away from your code!
Find Out More
For more information on Atlassian, check out their web page Check out their full post about our ingeration at as well. For those of you who have their Bitbucket already connected, just Login and keep coding.