# Contents

Codeanywhere has just launched an update to its browser plugin 🎉, making it easier than ever for developers to streamline their workflow. Whether you're using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Brave or Mozilla Firefox, this new plugin works seamlessly with all Chromium-based browsers, giving you flexibility in your choice of development tools.


Codeanywhere plugin in GitHub


Codeanywhere plugin in GitLab


Codeanywhere plugin in Bitbucket

One-Click Dev Environment Setup

With the new plugin, developers can spin up a complete cloud-based development environment and load the source code directly into Visual Studio Code with a single click. This drastically reduces the time spent setting up and configuring environments, allowing you to jump straight into coding.

Seamless Git Integration for Effortless Code Reviews and Testing

The plugin integrates with major Git providers, including GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. This means you can easily pull in repositories from any Git provider, load it into the Codeanywhere environment and run it within seconds. It's perfect for developers working across different projects or collaborating on multiple Git platforms.

It’s incredible how easily developers can manage pull requests, preview code, and run and test branches. With just a single click, you can load a specific branch or a PR into a live development environment, allowing you to review, run tests, and ensure everything works perfectly before merging. This functionality speeds up the review process and makes collaboration smoother by minimizing the overhead of setting up local environments.

Who Benefits?

Whether you’re a solo developer or part of a team, Codeanywhere's browser plugin optimizes the coding process by eliminating redundant steps. Plus, because it works across all major browsers and Git providers, you're not limited by platform constraints. It’s a productivity game-changer, making it easier than ever to develop, review, and collaborate in the cloud.

If you haven't checked it out yet, now’s the time to explore the future of cloud-based coding! Sign up for free and test it out.

Tags ·
  • codeanywhere
  • browser plugin
  • chromium
  • plugin