# Contents

Introduction to Git

If you want to get into the world of programming, learning Git is essential for any developer. Git allows you to manage code history, keep track of changes, and collaborate seamlessly with others. It’s not just about storing code—it’s about maintaining a clear project history, enabling you to experiment without losing progress, and allowing teamwork without file conflicts. Mastering basic Git commands early on saves time and prevents errors, especially when collaborating. Whether you’re working on solo projects or with a team, mastering Git is essential to a smooth workflow.

12 Git Commands Every Beginner Should Know

Here’s a beginner-friendly breakdown of the 12 Git commands every developer should know to get the most out of Git.

1. git config

Set your username and email in Git with git config. This command ensures each commit is tagged with your identity, making tracking changes easier. Example:

git config --global user.name "Your Name"

git config --global user.email "your.email@example.com"

2. git init

This initializes a new Git repository in your project directory. With git init, you create a hidden .git folder, marking the directory as a Git repository:

git init

3. git status

Check the status of your repository with git status. This command displays uncommitted changes, staged files, and which branch you’re on. Use it regularly to keep track of your progress:

git status

4. git add

Stage your changes for a commit with git add. Use git add <file-name> to add specific files, or git add . to stage all changes:

git add .

5. git commit

Capture a snapshot of your changes in the repository with git commit. Each commit should have a meaningful message, explaining what was changed and why:

git commit -m "Add new feature to homepage"

6. git clone

Clone a remote repository to your local machine with git clone. This command copies all files, branches, and history to your device, allowing you to work on an existing project:

git clone https://github.com/username/repo-name.git

7. git checkout

Switch between branches or revert files with git checkout. This command is particularly useful for exploring changes or returning to a specific point in your code:

git checkout branch-name

8. git branch

List, create, or delete branches in your repository. Running git branch shows all available branches, with an asterisk marking the active branch:

git branch new-feature-branch

9. git switch

Introduced to simplify branch switching, git switch cleanly moves you between branches, avoiding the risk of accidentally modifying files:

git switch branch-name

10. git push

Send your local commits to a remote repository with git push. Commonly used for sharing work and collaborating, git push updates the remote branch to match your local changes:

git push origin main

11. git pull

Sync your local repository with changes from the remote repository using git pull. This command fetches updates from others and merges them with your local branch:

git pull origin main

12. git show

Get details about a specific commit with git show. It displays information like the commit ID, author, date, and changes, helping you understand recent modifications:

git show commit-id

To Summarise

Learning Git can seem overwhelming, but by mastering these essential commands, beginner developers can build a strong foundation for code management. Using Git regularly and applying these commands will build your confidence and make your development workflow better. Start with these basics, and over time, you’ll unlock even more powerful features that Git has to offer!

Ready to take the leap? Get started on Codeanywhere and practice these Git commands to speed up your coding journey. Codeanywhere comes with built-in integration with major Git providers like Github, GitLab and Bitbucket.

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  • git
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  • gitlab
  • bitbucket
  • commands
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  • tutorial