# Contents

We are excited to let you know that we have made huge improvements to one our most important modules - File Operations.

Codeanywhere user base is growing rapidly and users are always in demand of new features. We are always giving our best to provide our users with features what they are asking for, and sometimes improving existing features suffers.

Since file operations are so crucial for overall Codeanywhere experience, we have rolled up our sleeves and made a completely new module that scales smoothly as our user base grows.

Opening and saving files is now as close to working offline as possible, especially for larger files. Upload operations are also faster and smoother.

We hope that with this new update you will enjoy using Codeanywhere even more!

Check out some of our latest updates and, if you haven't already, Sign up to enjoy the benefits of your own Codeanywhere account!

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  • codeanywhere
  • update
  • file operations