What is CoderDojo? Well, as Mary Moloney, their CEO, puts it, “The CoderDojo movement is helping thousands of kids all over the world to explore the magic of technology & find their own talents in creativity, innovation & exploration, while building strong, necessary technology skills. We're seeing change makers develop every day!”
That’s a bit of a long one, but wow, a movement to help kids learn to code... As soon as I heard of it, I wanted in.
Introduction to CoderDojo
I first heard of CoderDojo in a support ticket in Codeanywhere, when one person who runs a Dojo (more on that later) and his students had some issues with using Codeanywhere. After solving the issues, he tweeted about the use of Codeanywhere, and we publicly stated that we were glad to help and support such an institution.

The tweet was picked up by Bill Liao, one of the cofounders of CoderDojo, and he got in touch. We had a couple of conversations and he asked me if I would support CoderDojo worldwide by giving any and every student of CoderDojo a free premium account.
We at Codeanywhere didn't even think about it for a second. It was an instant yes! As of March 2014, we officially started supporting the movement (https://coderdojo.com/news/2014/03/19/free-upgrade-to-premium-accounts-with-codeanywhere/).
So How Does CoderDojo Exactly Work? How Do They Help Kids Learn to Code?
CoderDojo clubs (Dojos) run all over the world on a weekly basis, giving young people between the ages of 7 and 17 the opportunity to learn how to develop computer code, websites, apps, programs, games, digital media and to explore technology.
In addition to technology skills, all participants, both young people and adults who accompany them, enjoy the opportunity of being involved in a highly social community and experiencing a fun, collaborative, high-energy learning environment. Young people also build complementary skills like creativity, innovation, communication, collaboration, team work and leadership.
CoderDojo's vision is a world where every child and young person has the opportunity to build technology skills, learn to code and be creative in a safe and social environment. Empowering young people and providing opportunities for them is at the core of what we do.

How Far Have They Come?
As of November 2014, there are over 550 Dojos spread across 55 countries, ranging from places such as the UK and Ireland to the USA, Nigeria and Japan. Running over 550 Dojos is wonderful, but far from the end of the mission.
CoderDojo and, for that matter, Codeanywhere believe that they must continue to grow their global open source volunteer network of affiliated and inclusive coding clubs, where all young people are given the opportunity to create technology in a safe and social environment.
We invite you to join us in this mission and help organize a Dojo in your area. It’s super easy and we’re all here to help all the way!
Find out more at https://coderdojo.com/.