# Contents

The future of Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) looks bright, with more and more large companies adopting them to streamline their development workflows and improve productivity.

Companies such as Google, Facebook, Etsy, Tesla, Palantir, Shopify, Slack, Apple, GitHub, Stripe, and Uber are all using Internal Development Platforms to some extent, with many seeing significant benefits in terms of speed, efficiency, and cost-saving.

Gartner Predicts 60% of Cloud Workloads Will Be Built with IDEs by 2026

According to Gartner, by 2026, 60% of cloud workloads will be built and deployed using browser-based integrated development environments (IDEs). By 2025, many large enterprises will be using CDEs to streamline their development workflows and improve productivity.

And it's not just Gartner that sees the potential of CDEs. 451 Research also recognizes the shift towards cloud-based development environments, with their 2021 report stating that SaaS and public cloud will become the primary DevOps implementation environment over the next two years.

How do CDEs benefit developers?

CDEs allow developers to easily access all the tools and dependencies they need to start coding in a matter of seconds without worrying about compatibility issues or installation processes. This saves time and frustration and allows developers to focus on their work rather than being bogged down by technical setup tasks.

CDEs also make it easier for developers to switch between projects, as they can access the appropriate environment from the cloud instead of reconfiguring their local setup each time.

CDE competitive landscape

Codeanywhere has a long history of constantly innovating and adapting to the changing needs of developers. One example is our recent uptake of the devcontainers.json standard, which allows developers to specify the exact tools and dependencies needed for a project in a single configuration file. This makes it easy to set up and switch between development environments, saving time and effort for developers.

Codeanywhere is one of many players in the CDE space. Other popular options include Gitpod, GitHub Codespaces, Amazon CodeCatalyst, and Coder. While they offer similar features, such as quickly accessing tools and dependencies, switching between projects, and streamlining development workflows, there are also some obvious differences.

One crucial factor to consider is the level of customization and configuration available. Some CDEs offer a wide range of customization options and allow developers to specify the exact tools and dependencies they need for a project in a single configuration file. Others may have more limited customization options, impacting a developer's ability to work efficiently and effectively.

There are also many other players in the CDE space, such as Eclipse Che, Replit, CodeSandbox, Cloud9 IDE, JetBrains, Stackblitz, and more. It will be interesting to see how these companies evolve and shape the future of CDEs, as they strive to deliver the simplicity, speed, and productivity that developers and organizations need.

Now, it's important for developers to consider their options when choosing a CDE carefully and to weigh the pros and cons of each platform. By considering factors such as SaaS availability, customization options, and ecosystem lock-in, developers can find the CDE that best meets their needs and enables them to work at their best.

The Future is Here, and It's Bright

More and more large companies are adopting CDEs to streamline their development workflows and improve productivity. Companies such as Google, Facebook, Etsy, Tesla, Palantir, Shopify, Slack, Apple, GitHub, Stripe, and Uber are all using CDEs to some extent, with many seeing significant benefits in terms of speed, efficiency, and cost-saving.

As the adoption of cloud development environments continues to grow, it's clear that they will play a pivotal role in the future of software development. From streamlining workflows and improving productivity to enabling the creation of cloud-native platforms and implementing AI-augmented development and testing strategies, CDEs are already significantly

  • Cloud development environments will continue to be adopted: Gartner is predicting that by 2025, 30% of large enterprises will use browser-based integrated development environments (IDEs) to streamline development workflows and enable better manageability.
  • Greater focus on security and compliance: As CDEs become more widely adopted, there may be a greater emphasis on ensuring that they are secure and compliant with industry regulations. This may involve the development of new security features and the implementation of stricter security protocols.
  • Increased use of AI and machine learning in CDEs: CDEs may incorporate more advanced AI and machine learning capabilities, allowing developers to use these technologies to automate tasks, optimize development workflows, and improve code quality.
  • Continued evolution of CDE technology: CDEs are likely to continue to evolve and improve, with new features and capabilities being developed to meet the changing needs of developers.
  • Greater integration with cloud-native platforms: CDEs may become more closely integrated with cloud-native platforms, enabling developers to more easily build, deploy, and manage cloud-based applications.

Looking ahead

We will likely see even more innovation and evolution in the CDE space as companies compete to deliver the best solutions for developers and organizations. We can expect to see advances in automation, collaboration, and security and a continued focus on providing an intuitive and seamless user experience.

As the demand for software development continues to grow, it's clear that CDEs will play a crucial role in helping developers and organizations to meet this demand efficiently and effectively. We can't wait to see what the future holds for this exciting and rapidly-evolving industry.

What do you think about the future of CDEs?

Do they play a significant role in your development workflows and productivity?

Case Studies on the Adoption of Cloud Development Environments by Major Companies

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  • cloud
  • development environment
  • cde