# Contents

The situation today is like nothing the modern world has seen before. The global community is trying their best to solve this rapidly grown and everyday more dangerous and complex situation surrounding the spread of COVID-19. Governments and individuals alike are trying to keep people safe and to contain the spread, by social distancing and when possible just staying at home - which is not easy especially for those who have to keep working.

We at Codeanywhere have the luxury of already working from home as our product enables you to do just that - Code from Anywhere - even from home.

Being a company that is built to withstand this kind of disruption, we looked to our community to see who and how we could help the most in this time of crisis, and here is what we came up with; We are making Codeanywhere and our Cloud IDE free of charge for all educators and their classrooms during the on ongoing COVID-19 crisis. We already have a lot of educators on board who are remote-first, but we know that a lot are not and this will be a very trying time for them.

So if you are an educator looking for this type of solution, please fill out this form and we will help you get your classroom online.

And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Stay safe,

Ivan, Codeanywhere CEO

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  • covid
  • education
  • remote development