# Contents

Before working at Codeanywhere we used SublimeText and we were big fans. We also found out from our survey (https://blog.codeanywhere.com/most-popular-ides-code-editors/) that you guys are too. One of the features we all loved in SublimeText which was always missing from Codeanywhere is - Sublime Text’s MiniMap. But not anymore! As of today Codeanywhere is by default enabling a MiniMap.


A MiniMap is like a wider scroll bar in which you see a mini version of the entire file you are working on. It is a very user productive feature as it allows you to scroll through your file with speed and ease by using the compressed image of your text on the upper right hand corner.


How to enable MiniMap in Codeanywhere?

MiniMap will be enabled to all users (in our Web IDE) by default as we have had a lot of requests for this feature. In the case that some of you do not what to use MiniMap you can disable it by doing the following.

Preferences > MiniMap > Off

Of course you can re enable it any time by the same method.

Preferences > MiniMap > On

Find out more

To try out the the MiniMap feature just login to Codeanywhere!

Tags ·
  • sublimetext
  • minimap
  • scrollbar