# Contents

Codeanywhere’s Devboxes are becoming richer and more powerful with every new feature! With the interactions we had with our users we realized the growing need for integration of more predefined development environments - so that's exactly what we did!

We are proud to release the fourth batch of predefined development environments that are now part of Codeanywhere’s DevBox Library: Drupal, CakePHP and LoopBack!


Drupal (https://www.drupal.org) is an open source content management platform written in PHP, powering millions of websites and applications. It is used as a back-end framework for at least 2.1% of all Web sites worldwide ranging from personal blogs to corporate, political, and government sites including WhiteHouse.gov and data.gov.uk. It is also used for knowledge management and business collaboration.


CakePHP (http://cakephp.org) is an open source web application framework. It uses well-known software engineering concepts and software design patterns, follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) approach and is written in PHP, modeled after the concepts of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under the MIT License.


LoopBack (http://loopback.io) is an open source Node.js framework built on top of Express optimized for building APIs for mobile, web, and other devices. Connect to multiple data sources, write business logic in Node.js, glue on top of your existing services and data, connect using JS, iOS & Android SDKs.

To see and enjoy new additions just hit Add New Devbox > DevBox From Template.

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  • codeanywhere
  • update
  • drupal
  • cakephp
  • loopback