# Contents

Devfiles and devcontainer.json are standards for defining the components and configuration of development environments in a consistent and portable manner utilizing Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

IaC is a software engineering approach that treats infrastructure, including hardware and software resources, as a first-class citizen in the development process. This means that infrastructure is treated like any other codebase, with all the benefits that come with it.

The concept of IaC has been around for decades. Still, it has gained widespread adoption in recent years due to the proliferation of cloud computing and the increasing importance of automation in infrastructure management. Today, IaC is used by organizations of all sizes to automate their infrastructure's provisioning, configuration, and management.

Some everyday use cases for IaC include:

  • Provisioning and managing cloud resources: IaC can be used to automate the provisioning and management of cloud resources, such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and networking resources.
  • Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines: IaC can be used to automate the deployment of infrastructure as part of a CI/CD pipeline.
  • Disaster recovery: IaC can be used to automate the process of recovering infrastructure in the event of a disaster.
  • Environment management: IaC can be used to manage multiple environments (e.g., development, staging, and production) in a consistent and repeatable manner. This can help organizations to ensure that environments are consistently configured and that changes are made in a controlled and predictable manner.
  • Hybrid and multi-cloud environments: IaC can be used to manage infrastructure in hybrid and multi-cloud environments, where resources are spread across multiple cloud providers.

Environment management has especially helped propel the use of IaC with the rise of Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) such as Codeanywhere, which allow developers to create and manage development environments in the cloud. Some CDE providers will create their proprietary standards, whereas most will use standards like Devfile or devcontainer.json to define the infrastructure for these development environments in a consistent and portable manner. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two standards and how they are used in the context of CDEs.


Devfile is a standard for defining the components and configuration of a development environment in a portable and extensible way. The Eclipse Foundation created devfiles as part of the Eclipse Che project, and they are now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as a Cloud Native Sandbox project. Devfiles are written in YAML and consist of a set of metadata and components that define the development environment. Here is a simple example of a Devfile:

1apiVersion: 1.0.0
3name: my-dev-environment
5 - type:
6docker alias: my-app
7memoryLimit: 2Gi
8command: - make - install
9ports: - 8000
10env: -
11 name: MYENVVAR
12 value: value
13mountSources: true
15 - id: ms-python.python
16 memoryLimit: 1Gi

This Devfile defines a development environment with two components: a Docker container and a Visual Studio Code extension. The memoryLimit field specifies the amount of memory that should be allocated to each component. The command field specifies a command that should be run after the development environment has been created. The ports field specifies a list of ports that should be forwarded from the development environment to the host machine. The env field specifies environment variables that should be set in the development environment. The mountSources field specifies that the sources from the host machine should be mounted in the development environment.

This is just one example of a Devfile, and the options and configuration available will depend on your project's specific needs and requirements. Devfiles offer a powerful and flexible way to define development environments in a portable and extensible manner. They can be used on any Cloud Development Environment (CDE) platform that supports the Devfile specification.


devcontainer.json, on the other hand, is a file used by Visual Studio Code to define the components and configuration of a development environment in a portable manner. devcontainer.json was introduced in Visual Studio Code 1.47 as a way to simplify the process of creating and managing development environments within the editor. Here is a simple example of a devcontainer.json file:

2 "name": "My Development Environment",
3 "dockerFile": "Dockerfile",
4 "appPort": 8000,
5 "extensions": [ "ms-python.python" ],
6 "settings": { "terminal.integrated.shell.linux": "/bin/bash" },
7 "runArgs": [ "--volume", "${localWorkspaceFolder}:/workspace", "--publish", "8000:8000" ],
8 "postCreateCommand": "make install",
9 "forwardPorts": [ 8000 ],
10 "remoteEnv": { "MYENVVAR": "value" }

This devcontainer.json file specifies the name of the development environment, the Dockerfile to use for building the environment, the port on which the application should be exposed, and the Visual Studio Code extensions that should be installed in the environment. It also includes additional settings, run arguments, and environment variables that can be used to customize the development environment. The settings field specifies settings that should be applied to the development environment, such as the shell that should be used in the terminal. The runArgs field specifies arguments that should be passed to the docker run command when starting the development environment. The postCreateCommand field specifies a command to run after the development environment has been created. The forwardPorts field specifies a list of ports that should be forwarded from the development environment to the host machine. The remoteEnv field specifies environment variables that should be set in the development environment.

This is just one example of a devcontainer.json file, and the options and configuration available will depend on the specific needs and requirements of your project. Devcontainer.json files offer a powerful and flexible way to define development environments within the context of Visual Studio Code, and they can be customized to suit the needs of your project.

Unlike Devfiles, which is an open standard defining containerized development environments, supported by Amazon Web Services, IBM, JetBrains & Red Hat, Devcontainer.json Created by Microsoft, and although open source they are run by one corporation, Devcontainer.json files are also portable, which means that they can be used to define development environments that can be easily shared and replicated across different machines and environments. Making it also a powerful and flexible way to define development environments, alongside this,


Devfile and devcontainer.json are two standards that are used to define the components and configuration of development environments in a consistent and portable manner.

In the fast-paced world of software development, there are always emerging platforms that aim to enhance the developer experience. One such platform is Daytona, which offers standardized development environments and empowers teams to focus on their goals, projects, and tasks. With Daytona, developers can harness the power of Devfiles and devcontainer.json to streamline collaboration, minimize setup time, and deliver exceptional software products.

Because of the everything above some might decided that Devfiles are a better option, but non the less we here at Codeanywhere chose to support devcontinar.json as we do believe that they will indeed be the single standard, in the future. Why we decided might be a subject for an entirely different article though.

As the technology landscape continues to evolve, it's important to keep an eye out for new platforms like Daytona that can revolutionize the way we develop software.

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  • devcontainer
  • SDE
  • devfile