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A workspace is a self-contained development environment, pre-configured with the project’s source code, required dependencies, necessary tools, and extensions to optimize workflow for your development team.

Codeanywhere workspaces simplify the setup and configuration of development environments, integrate various tools, automate repetitive tasks, and ensure a consistent experience across different teams and projects. By following established practices and automation, Development Environment Management ensures that all developers have access to a consistent, secure, and standardized environment, ultimately enhancing productivity and streamlining the software development process.

Create a Workspace

Creating your own Workspace in Codeanywhere is a straightforward process that ensures you have a dedicated environment for your projects.

Creating a Workspace allows you to set up a new environment either by selecting a repository from a configured Git provider like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, or by manually entering a Git repository URL.

  1. Click Create + to create a Workspace.

  2. Select the Git repository you want to use or enter a custom repository URL. Codeanywhere provides two options for linking your repository:

    • Selecting from a List of Repositories

      If you select a Git repository (e.g., GitHub), you will be presented with a list of your repositories from which you can select the desired repository.

    • Entering a Custom Repository URL

      Alternatively, you can enter a custom repository URL manually to find the repository is not listed under your Git Provider account or is from an external source.

  3. Select the dev container configuration file for your Workspace.

  4. Select the default IDE to use for your Workspace.

  5. Select the Workspace class to allocate resources for your Workspace.

  6. Click Continue to proceed with the Workspace creation process.

⠋ Warming up...

Wait while Codeanywhere sets up your Workspace. It handles all the initialization and configuration of your environment.

Manage a Workspace

Codeanywhere allows you to access and manage your Workspace, providing a detailed overview of the Workspace configuration.

  1. Click the top-right corner of the Workspace to expand the details.

Once expanded, you will be presented with the following options and information:

  • Workspace ID

    A unique identifier for your Workspace.

    Example: codeanywhere-templates-base-abc123def

  • Workspace Class

    Describes the resource allocation and configuration of your Workspace. Read more about managing Workspace classes.

  • Created At

    The timestamp showing when the Workspace was initially created.

    Example: 01/08/2024, 02:30:00

  • Updated At

    The timestamp showing the last time the Workspace settings or configuration was modified.

    Example: 05/08/2024, 03:45:00

  • Start

    Initiates the Workspace, making it active and ready for use.

  • Delete

    Permanently removes the Workspace and all associated data.

  • Shared

    Manages the sharing settings of the Workspace, allowing you to collaborate with others.

  • Connect via SSH

    Codeanywhere allows secure remote access to your Workspace via SSH. You can connect using either a Public Key or an Access Token. Once selected, you will be provided with a command to with SSH to your Workspace.

Delete a Workspace

Codeanywhere allows you to delete one or more Workspaces, helping you manage your development environments by removing those that are no longer needed.

  1. Expand the selected Workspace to view its configuration and details.
  2. Click the Delete button to delete your Workspace. For security purposes, deleting a Workspace requires you to retype the Workspace name to confirm the action.

Workspace Classes

The Workspace class allows you to select the amount of resources allocated to your Workspace. You can choose from different configurations depending on your requirements:

Workspace ClassCPURAMGBGPU
Premium GPU816 GB50 GB1
Premium816 GB50 GB
Basic48 GB50 GB