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Getting Started

This section will guide you through the steps required to configure and use Codeanywhere to manage your development environments.

Connecting a Git Provider

You can connect your Codeanywhere account with a Git Provider to manage version control operations and interact with your Git repositories.

Codeanywhere supports a variety of Git Providers, including GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket.

This integration supports and enables interacting with your codebase, cloning repositories, and pushing changes directly from Codeanywhere.

Creating your Workspace

Creating a Workspace allows you to set up a new environment either by selecting a repository from a configured Git provider like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket or by manually entering a Git repository URL.

  1. Click Create + to create a Workspace.

  2. Select the Git repository you want to use or enter a custom repository URL. Codeanywhere provides two options for linking your repository:

    • Selecting from a List of Repositories

      If you select a Git repository (e.g., GitHub), you will be presented with a list of your repositories from which you can select the desired repository.

    • Entering a Custom Repository URL

      Alternatively, you can enter a custom repository URL manually if the repository is not listed under your Git Provider account or is from an external source.

  3. Select the dev container configuration file for your Workspace.

  4. Select Workspace class to allocate resources for your Workspace.

  5. Click Continue to proceed with the Workspace creation process.

⠋ Warming up...

Wait while Codeanywhere sets up your Workspace. It handles all the initialization and configuration of your environment.