# Contents

Many Codeanywhere users have responded to our latest poll "What Javascript Framework Do You Use?" giving us insight on which java script framework they use the most.

Our Data and Metrics

Before considering the results of this survey, it is important to know how we got to this data. We sent this survey to 10.000 Codeanywhere users and received more than 2.500 answers.

Most Used Javascript Frameworks

As expected, ultimate winner of this poll is well-known, Google developed Angular, known as a promising standout in the javascript framework with more than 40 percent of votes.

The second place, with little over 15 percent of Codeanywhere users votes, belongs to Backbone, one of the most powerful frameworks which, obviously, still has to fight for its place among the best frameworks for programming enthusiasts.

For a full list, check out the graph below:


It is well known that the results of surveys can be noticeably different depending on the group of users who participated. With this in mind, no research is considered entirely accurate, but it's safe to conclude that these results faithfully reflect preferences of the majority. Comparing this survey results with Google Trends, we noticed some minor deviations, but the fact remains: Angular is by far the most popular Javascript Framework used by developers today.



Exploring preferences of the majority has always been interesting to study. It's very important for us to know how our users "breathe", which tools they use and in what ways we can help them to be more successful in carrying out their tasks. Based on exploring the needs of Codeanywhere users, we produce on a weekly basis new features that make this platform as helpful as it can be.

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  • backbone
  • angular
  • javascript
  • framework